19 February 2024 | Kathmandu, Nepal We, participants from civil society organizations from around the globe, convened during the World Social Forum 2024 in Kathmandu,

The dream of regionalism that accompanied the formation of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) now seems distant and elusive. Post-colonial South Asia, marked

During WSF 2024, LDC Watch and SAAPE, in partnership with Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD), Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN), and TAFJA Nepal

We, civil society representatives and labour rights activists from various South Asian nations convened at the World Social Forum 2024 in Kathmandu, Nepal with our

SAAPE, in collaboration with LDC Watch, Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN), Labour Education Foundation (LEF), Textile Garments Workers Federation, Dabindu Collective, and Tea Producers Peasant Association

SAAPE members convened the event “Social Security in South Asia: Perspectives and Imperatives” on 16 February 2024 to delve into the intricacies of the region’s

The Forum reviewed the working documents containing recommendations and policy proposals under different thematic groups, including economy and finance; climate and environment; education; business and human rights; education; and democracy and civic space.

Peoples’ 20 Bangkok Forum on G20 Summit was held on 5 June 2023. Peoples’ 20 is an unofficial initiative that runs complementary to the official

The Dutch Agriculture Agreement reaches further than the Netherlands: offer prospects for sustainable farmers and consumers worldwide

In the Netherlands, the government, farmers’ organizations, supply chain partners and nature and environmental organizations are currently discussing the Agriculture Agreement. While the agreement focuses

“Increase minimum wage, provide social protection, and enlist workers!” Tea Plantation Labour unions in Nepal demand workers’ rights

The wage for tea workers in Nepal is currently NPR 435. Although the wage is to be increased biannually, the increment has not taken place

Updates on Civil 20 Inception Meeting and People’s 20 Meeting

20-22 March 2023| Nagpur-Delhi, India Participation in C20 Inception Meeting The Group of Twenty (G20) is considered a premier international forum comprising the world’s leading

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