The novel coronavirus-2019 is a global crisis and the situation is changing every other second. The coronavirus pandemic emerged from December 2019 from the central city of Wuhan, China. Till now 976,021 people have died globally, 31,816,647 have been infected and 23,420,714 have been recovered among 213 countries and territories. South Asia, which is inhabited by 24.89% of the world population has seen the gradual increment in the number of active cases. The increment in the number of cases is very much alarming if the public health care condition of the 8 countries are observed. Although the outbreak does not appear to have reached the widespread secondary contact stage as seen in Europe and United States, the South Asian countries are beginning to see their fatalities from the outbreak with claiming 103,438 lives across the region. And amidst all the chaotic and panic situation, it is important to be updated about the recent breakout and the effects it is having around the globe. Similarly, the following governments’ initiatives to contain the spread of the virus by all of us is very important. To keep everyone updated with the latest data and information, we are sharing the map of South Asia indicating the number of infected cases, recovered cases and death cases. We will be updating and sharing the data every day (as of 23 September 2020; 08:57 GMT)
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